Preventing slow software

After a while, your smartphone will react slower than when you first got it. One of the biggest causes of a slower phone is that apps use RAM. Your storage memory may also be (almost) full, leaving the smartphone with much less operating space. Prevent your phone slowing down with these tips!

Seven tips to avoid a slow software:

1. Restore factory settings

Restoring factory settings will erase all files and settings on your phone. So, save all files on your computer first! The easiest way to do this is to make a backup. Once the factory settings are restored, your phone will be set up like how it was when it came from the factory. Next, reinstall the backup on your phone, that way no data will be lost.

2. Limit the number of icons

The home screen is a screen that keeps reloading. The more icons on it, the slower the home screen becomes.

3. Limit home screen widgets (Android only)

Widgets are memory-consuming. Select a minimum number of widgets and reduce their update interval. There is no need to update the weather forecast every minute, for example. That only results in memory overload.

4. Choose a static background (Android only)

On older devices, moving backgrounds can effect the device speed. So, it is preferable not to use these.

5. Avoid unnecessary synchronisation

Regularly synchronising your email or social media, such as Facebook and Twitter, leads to increased memory usage. So, reduce the synchronisation interval.

6. Limit the number of apps

Android, Windows Phone, and iOS all feature multitasking. This often results in apps running in the background or starting up automatically. Your smartphone is more responsive when unnecessary apps are removed.

7. Empty the cache memory

Empty the cache memory. Cache memory stores frequently used elements, so that they do not have to be downloaded again and again. This speeds up web browsing, for example. Empty the cache memory three to four times a year.