Shipment and delivery

For devices in stock, the following applies: ordered and paid before 23:30, shipped the same day. We can also often deliver larger quantities from stock.

Do you have a question about shipping or delivery time? Check out the frequently asked questions below.

Frequently asked questions

  • How will my order be shipped?

  • Can I have an order delivered directly to my customer via dropshipment?

  • A part of my order is not in stock. Can I still receive the rest already?

  • I have received a partial delivery, but the products I have not yet received are listed as cancelled on the invoice. Is this correct?

  • I have just paid. Will my order be sent immediately?

  • I have agreed to a price quote. When will I receive my order?

  • Why haven't I received my order yet?

  • The product I ordered is not in stock. When will I receive it?